
Evolve Culture

Googles #1 Rated Nutrition + Lifestyle Coaching

Meet the stronger, healthier, more confident you!

We will help you EVOLVE through healthy & sustainable eating practices with a simplified easy to follow nutrition + workout plan. No matter what your goals are, your coach will ensure that your health is a priority with a focus on your own personal growth. At Evolve Culture we believe eating your meals should still be fun when you are eating healthy. Being "in shape" doesn’t mean spending hours in a gym or being on an unenjoyable diet. We are committed to changing lives by supporting, inspiring, and teaching how to turn your healthy habits into a permanent lifestyle!

Success Stories

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My Plans

Meet your Coaches

#1 Rated Nutrition + Lifestyle Coaching

Meet Mike Manfre Utah's #1 Google Rated Nutrition Coach Mike Manfre is a dedicated nutritionist that gives his clients the knowledge, skills, support, and motivation to achieve and conquer their personal fitness goals. ​Mike has been helping men and woman accomplish amazing success through proper nutrition for over a decade now, by taking out all the guesswork and basically giving a nutrition blueprint on how to help his clients reach their goals. ​Mike was formally in law enforcement for 7 years with the Sheriff’s Office and also a fitness trainer for over 10 years. ​Mike realized as a fitness trainer that his clients weren’t getting the best results because they were missing the crucial component; Nutrition! Once Mike understood the importance of proper nutrition, he made the transition into becoming a nutritionist, with changed 1,000's of lives in the process.When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability over all else! Sure, there are great "12-week programs, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations", but by the end of the day, when you finish that, what's next? Another 12-week program? When working with clients, I like to build from the ground up. Instead of handing you a meal plan, I teach you how to build your own.

Meet your Coaches
Meet your Coaches

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customized Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

What are our clients saying

Mike is extremely professional and listens to what your goals are. I have stumbled many times, but with the encouragement from Mike I was able to rebound and get back on track. He is knowledgeable and truly does care for your health and lifestyle. Mike is dedicated to helping you change your lifestyle.


I can’t say enough good things about Mike Manfre. Not only is he the most amazing coach on the planet when it comes to meal plans and exercising but he will be your biggest and best cheerleader in all aspects of life. He truly gets to know you as a client inside and out. On days when I’m struggling he is right there to give me a little push.


Mike has been amazing to work with! He really knows his stuff and will help you succeed. This isn’t just a vegetable, rice, and chicken plan. This isn’t a plan just pulled off the internet. The meals are healthy, balanced, and manageable in every day life, even for the busiest of people


What can I say about Mike, I've been working with him for 3 months now. And I've literally seen change everywhere week. Thanks to his meals plans and knowledge. He's always available and just a phone call away for any questions . One of the nicest and most passionate people you'll ever meet! ​


Over the past few months I have seen a change in my body that I haven't been able to do by myself for years. I met Mike over 6 months ago and since then, he has helped me transform my body to what I had been wanting for years. I see the results of the meal plan and workouts that Mike customizes for me.


I've been training consistently for more than a decade. Since I've gotten bigger it's been very hard for me to break into the single digit body fat range without loosing a ton of muscle mass. Over the last 12 weeks Mike has dialed up a solid program that allows me to eat without feeling restricted, and still see consistent fat loss.


Frequently Asked Questions

You bet! In fact, carbs are an essential component of a healthy balenced diet! You' look great and feel even better once we help you develop a healthy relationship with food... Yes including CARBS!

Not the case. We will help you understand your proper heart rate for your age and body type that wont leave you depleating you precious energy and wasting your muscle away with endless miles on the treadmill.. YUCK!

Join the Culture

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.